HTML Table visualization

JAVA plugin (JRE or JDK 1.5 or above) and JavaScript must be activated
Tested on IE6 (fast) and Firefox-Mozilla (slow)

HTML Table


BiSlider Applet

No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.5.0 support for APPLET!!
  • Go back to the BiSlider Web Site


Try to answer the questions with/without the coloring tool and select the following text to check your answer.
  • What side of the table has bigger value ? ANSWER= bottom right cells have bigger values ! <-HERE
  • Where is the cell with the string value lO(Lo) instead of 10(ten)? ANSWER= in the cell A6 ! <-HERE
  • Is there a column with a cyclic pattern ? ANSWER= the last column alternate fourties and seventies ! <-HERE
  • Where are the 2 biggest cells side by side ? ANSWER= 99 above 96 on the middle right in G5-G6 ! <-HERE
  • What are the 2 peaks in the distribution 10 by 10 ? ANSWER= 0-10 and 50-70 ! <-HERE

How can I easily include BiSlider on my own web page ?

  • Simply add the id in the <table> tag like that :
           <table id="MYNAME" border=1 cellspacing="1" background="Background.gif" width="100%">
  • ... then somewhere else, in the same page, add the applet with parameters like that ...
           <applet archive="BiSlider.jar" code="com.visutools.nav.bislider.HTMLTableColorizerApplet" width="200" height="60" mayscript>
            <param name="MinimumColor" value="#FF0000">    Adapt these values to your table of data
            <param name="MaximumColor" value="#0000FF">
            <param name="MinimumValue" value="0">
            <param name="MaximumValue" value="100">
            <param name="MinimumColoredValue" value="0">
            <param name="MaximumColoredValue" value="100">
            <param name="SegmentSize"    value="10">        Smaller it is and more segment there are
            <param name="UniformSegment" value="true">
            <param name="Precise"        value="true">      It doesn't work well for applet but doesn't crash so you can keep it
            <param name="CustomPaint"    value="true">      Must be true
            <param name="LinkToTable"    value="MYNAME">   MYNAME indicates how you instrumented your table's tags
            <param name="TableWidth"     value="2">         The number of columns
            <param name="TableHeight"    value="2">         The number of rows
            <param name="ArcSize"        value="18">        Very cosmetic parameters
            <param name="Unit"           value="">
            <param name="InterpolationMode" value="HSB">    HSB, RGB or CENTRAL_BLACK        
            No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.5.0 support for APPLET!!
  • How can I customize which cell of my table is colored ?

    • Simply add the id argument in each <td> tag like that :
             <table border=1 cellspacing="1" background="Background.gif" width="100%">
               <tr><td id="MYNAME1-1">23</td><td id="MYNAME2-1">13</td></tr>
               <tr><td id="MYNAME1-2">58</td><td id="MYNAME2-2">50</td></tr>
      It's very easy if yourtable is generated by a Servlet or a php module
    • ... then somewhere else, in the same page, add the applet with parameters like that ...
             <applet archive="BiSlider.jar" code="com.visutools.nav.bislider.HTMLTableColorizerApplet" width="200" height="60" mayscript>
              <param name="MinimumColor" value="#FF0000">    Adapt these values to your table of data
              <param name="MaximumColor" value="#0000FF">
              <param name="MinimumValue" value="0">
              <param name="MaximumValue" value="100">
              <param name="MinimumColoredValue" value="0">
              <param name="MaximumColoredValue" value="100">
              <param name="SegmentSize"    value="10">        Smaller it is and more segment there are
              <param name="UniformSegment" value="true">
              <param name="Precise"        value="true">      It doesn't work well for applet but doesn't crash so you can keep it
              <param name="CustomPaint"    value="true">      Must be true
              <param name="LinkToTable"    value="MYNAME">   MYNAME indicates how you instrumented your table's tags
              <param name="TableWidth"     value="2">         The number of columns
              <param name="TableHeight"    value="2">         The number of rows
              <param name="ArcSize"        value="18">        Very cosmetic parameters
              <param name="Unit"           value="">
              <param name="InterpolationMode" value="HSB">    HSB, RGB or CENTRAL_BLACK        
              No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.5.0 support for APPLET!!

    Technical highlight

    I added a Javascript to Java communication bridge in order to parse the HTML table from the Java applet I had to use the netscape.javascript package and especially the JSObject and found few help on internet Finally I found a way to parse the DOM tree of the HTML page my applet is embedded in :
    • Add plugin/jar to your classpath
    • Add include netscape.javascript.*; in your Applet/JApplet class
    • In the Applet/JApplet class add a function :
         * initialize the Java-Javascript bridge
        public void initHTMLLink(){
          JSObject JSDocument = null;
          String JSBrowerName = null;
          try {
            JSWindow     =            JSObject.getWindow(this);
            JSDocument   = (JSObject) JSWindow.getMember("document");    
            JSBrowerName = (String)   JSWindow.eval("window.navigator.appName.toLowerCase()");
          } catch (JSException JSException_Arg){
          String BrowserName  = System.getProperty("browser");
          //if (JSBrowerName.startsWith("netscape")) ... Notice I don't use it anymore because I want to be brower independant
         try {
            JSObject JSTable = (JSObject) JSWindow.eval("document.getElementById(""+LinkToTableString+"")");
            } catch (JSException JSException_Arg){
        }// initHTMLLink()
    • And another one to do the parsing :
         * update the applet and the HTML <table>
        public void updateHTMLLink(){
          try {
            // The user chose to indicate the full html table with <table id="MyTableName"...> 
            if (JSTable!=null){
              JSObject childNodes=(JSObject)JSTable.getMember("childNodes");
              // There are maybe whitespaces or other comments before we reach the tbody !
              // we"ll use this technique for tr and td parsing as well
              int nodeindex = 0;
              for (; (nodeindex<10&&childNodes.getSlot(nodeindex) instanceof JSObject && 
                      !childNodes.getSlot(nodeindex).toString().equals("[object HTMLTableSectionElement]")); nodeindex++);
              if (nodeindex==10){System.err.println("Error when looking for [object HTMLTableSectionElement] in the dom");return;}
              // So we get the JSObject where we found it
              JSObject JSTBODYObject = (JSObject)childNodes.getSlot(nodeindex);
              int rownodeindex = -1;
              for (int j=0; j<=MaxRowIndex; j++) {
                for (rownodeindex++; (rownodeindex<4*MaxRowIndex&&childNodes.getSlot(rownodeindex) instanceof JSObject && 
                        !childNodes.getSlot(rownodeindex).toString().equals("[object HTMLTableRowElement]")); rownodeindex++);
                if (rownodeindex==4*MaxRowIndex){System.err.println("Error when looking for [object HTMLTableRowElement] in the dom: not enough columns?");return;}
                JSObject JSTRNode=(JSObject)childNodes.getSlot(rownodeindex);
                // if we are after the 1rst row to consider
                if (j>=MinRowIndex) {
                  int colnodeindex = -1;
                  for (int i=0; i<=MaxColIndex; i++) {
                    for (colnodeindex++; (colnodeindex<4*MaxColIndex&&childNodes.getSlot(colnodeindex) instanceof JSObject && 
                            !childNodes.getSlot(colnodeindex).toString().equals("[object HTMLTableCellElement]")); colnodeindex++);
                    if (colnodeindex==4*MaxColIndex){System.err.println("Error when looking for [object HTMLTableCellElement] in the dom: not enough columns?");return;}
                    // if we are after the 1rst column to consider
                    if (i>=MinColIndex) {
                      JSObject JSTDNode=(JSObject)childNodes.getSlot(colnodeindex);
                       if (JSTDNode!=null) {
                        String Value     = (String)JSTDNode.getMember("innerHTML");
                        String ColorName = "#FFFFFF";
                        if (Value!=null){
                          // convert the value 
                          int val =0;
                          try {
                            val = Integer.parseInt(Value);
                          } catch (NumberFormatException NumberFormatException_Arg) {
                          // from Color to html format #FF0088
                          Color col = Color.RED;
                          if (col!=null) {
                            String RedString   = Integer.toHexString(col.getRed());
                            String GreenString = Integer.toHexString(col.getGreen());
                            String BlueString  = Integer.toHexString(col.getBlue());
                            if (RedString.length()==1)   RedString   = "0"+RedString;
                            if (GreenString.length()==1) GreenString = "0"+GreenString;
                            if (BlueString.length()==1)  BlueString  = "0"+BlueString;
                            ColorName = "#"+RedString+GreenString+BlueString;
                          // update the applet here
                        }// if Value!=null
                        // update the parameters of the html cell
                        JSTDNode.setMember("bgColor", ColorName);
                        //JSCell_Arg.setMember("align",   "right");
                      }// if JSTDNode != null
                    }// if we are after the 1rst column to consider
                  }// for loop on columns
                }// if we are after the 1rst row to consider
              }// for loop on rows
            }// if JSTable!=null
          } catch (JSException JSException_Arg){
          } catch(Exception Exception_Arg) {
        }// updateHTMLLink()